Property Search
Disclaimer: The information on the maps contained in the real estate mapping site does not represent a survey. No liability is assumed for the accuracy of the data delineated herein, either expressed or implied by Clinton County or its employees. The maps are compiled from official records, including plats, surveys, recorded deeds, and contracts, and only contain the information required for local government purposes. See the recorded documents for more detailed legal information.
Adding or Removing Someone from a Deed
The Auditor's Office cannot prepare deeds for property owners. We recommend that you contact either an attorney or title search company to have one prepared for you.
Administration Building
1900 N. 3rd St.
Clinton, IA 52733
Driving Directions
Contact Information
(563) 243-5869 (Fax)
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Holiday Closures