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Clinton County Emergency Management Radiological Emergency Planning Project State - Fiscal Year 2025 & 2026

The Clinton County Emergency Management Agency (hereafter referred to as CCEMA) requests proposals from firms or individuals with emergency management and radiological emergency planning experience. CCEMA intends to contract with a qualified individual or firm to provide the planning services required to update its Radiological Emergency Response Plan (RERP) and Standard Operating Procedures under the RERP (SOPs). An interested party or parties may request consideration for this project by submitting a proposal to CCEMA as outlined herein.


RFP submissions must be received by email, prior to the deadline at the CCEMA Office:
Chance Kness, EMA Coordinator
Clinton County Emergency Management
PO Box 2957
Clinton, IA 52732
Phone: 563-242-5712
Each prospective firm or individual must submit an electronic PDF file of the RFP response document via e-mail. Voice verification of receipt for e-mailed submissions may be made by calling (563) 242-5712.

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