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Property Tax Suspensions

The property tax suspension program under Iowa Code 427.8 has been developed with the interest of the residents of Clinton County. The purpose of this program is to provide temporary assistance to Clinton County property owners who meet specific eligibility guidelines so that they maintain their homes.

Persons applying under Iowa Code 427.8 must provide the following information:

  • Completed application
  • Copy of current Driver's License or Photo ID
  • Verification of household's yearly income (i.e. tax return, letter from Social Security Administration, pay check stubs, etc.)
  • Verification of household resources

For additional information contact:

Kim Ralston
CAP Director
563-244-5563 Ext. 5533

Administration Building

1900 N. 3rd St.
Clinton, IA 52733
Driving Directions

Contact Information



Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Holiday Closures

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