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Protective Payee Services

Protective Payee Services

The Representative Payee Program provides payee services to individuals determined by the Social Security Administration to be unable to maange his/her monetary benefits.

Clinton County provides a public protective payee service for adults who receive disability benefits from Social Security Administration, and/or Veteran's Administration. There may be a monthly fee for each client for the payee service.

Referrals are made by Social Security, Department of Human Services, Veteran's Administration, Physicians, Case Workers, etc. Enrollment is limited and is based on the applicant's circumstances or urgency. Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


Tracy Dickey
Protective Payee

Kim Ralston
CAP Director

Eligibility Requirements

Persons applying for admission into the Clinton County Protective Payee Service must meet the following requirements:

  1. Must have a primary disability diagnosis of mental illness, intellectual disability or developmental disability; and
  2. Must have been determined by the Social Security Administration to be in need of a payee and has no family member or friend who is able or willing to assume payee responsibilities; and
  3. Must be a resident of Clinton County at the time of application OR have residency in Clinton County.

Protective Payee Service Application

Administration Building

1900 N. 3rd St.
Clinton, IA 52733
Driving Directions

Contact Information



Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Holiday Closures

Map & Directions