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Medical Examiner Investigator

Under the direction of the Clinton County Medical Examiner and Clinton County Emergency Management Agency, performs work of considerable difficulty in conducting the investigation of deaths that affect the public interest as identified in Iowa Code, Chapter 331.802. Operates under the medical license of the Clinton County Medical Examiner, who is appointed by Clinton County per Iowa law. The Medical Examiner and Deputy Medical Examiner direct all aspects of the investigation of unexpected deaths. Clinton County Emergency Management directs all aspects related to the employment of MEIs as Clinton County employees. MEIs will typically be able to engage in most personal activities while on-call as an Investigator. Clinton County investigates up to 175 cases per year. Typical operational tempo is 0 to 1 calls per day, with periodic spikes in activity.

Job Description

Essential Job Duties and Responsibilities:


The following duties are normal for this position.  These are not to be construed as exclusive or all-inclusive.  Other duties may be required and assigned.



Work Schedule:


Through the use of an electronic calendar, Investigators will provide their availability for the upcoming month to take MEI on-call. Call time is broken into a minimum of 3-hour blocks.  Investigators can sign up for as many blocks of time as they are able to cover for that month.  Investigators are expected to provide a minimum of 192 hours of availability each fiscal quarter (3 months).  Once all Investigators have provided their availability for the calendar, Emergency Management will create a schedule for that month, making every attempt to be equitable.  The Investigator will be required to cover any and all call time that they signed up for.  It is up to the Investigator to find someone to cover their shift should they not be able to fulfill the shift that they signed up for.  Any changes must be entered into the electronic calendar by the MEI.


Minimum Qualifications Requirements - (Education and Experience):


Two (2) years’ experience as a licensed or certified nurse or medical care provider, such as an EMT or Paramedic, or any equivalent combination of training and experience that will have provided the required knowledge, skills, and abilities.  Certified Law Enforcement officers, current or retired, are also eligible.


Must be actively appointed by the currently appointed Medical Examiner of Clinton County.


Must be a resident of Clinton County Iowa and/or must be able to arrive on a scene anywhere in Clinton County within one hour of being called.


Additional requirements:


Appointment must be approved by the County Board of Supervisors, County Medical Examiner and State Medical Examiner.

Certificates, Licenses, Registrations:

Two (2) years’ experience as a licensed or certified medical care provider or Certified Law Enforcement officer (is not required to be current).


Must successfully complete the Iowa Office of the State Medical Examiner Midwest Death Investigation course or similar approved course prior to or within two years of employment.  Must obtain American Board of Medicolegal Death Investigators (ABMDI) certification prior to or within five years of appointment. 


Supplemental Information:

Apply Online

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