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Dust Control Permit Application


First Application

  • Permit Submitted Deadline (Residents) - April 15
  • Applicator List Deadline to County - May 1
  • Date Application Treatment to Start - May 10
  • Date Application Treatment to End - May 20

Second Application

  • Permit Submitted Deadline (Residents) - July 1
  • Applicator List Deadline to County - July 10
  • Date Application Treatment to Start - July 20
  • Date Application Treatment to End - July 30


  1. The applicant or contractor must coordinate application of material with the County Engineer's office at 563-244-0564 or 866-227-9040 at least two working days prior to application of material to allow county maintenance personnel adequate time to prepare the road.
  2. The dust control treatment area shall be marked by the owner with flags three feet in height with white, red or orange flags at the top and placed along the outside edge of the grass shoulder.
  3. Flags must be visible to the motor grader operators. Dust control treatment areas not properly marked may be bladed without reimbursement to the owner.
  4. Residents are required to obtain a permit for each address even if being sprayed together as one.
  5. Once the treatment is applied the County will refrain from blading through the treated area unless it becomes a hazard to the traveling public.
  6. The permit is valid until October 1st of the year issued. After October 1st the County reserves the right to blade through the dust control area regardless of road condition in order to prepare the road for the winter season.
  7. The applicator may only treat the length specified on the permit with one of the approved material listed on this permit.
  8. The width of the application must be a minimum of twenty feet wide.
  9. Applicators shall submit a certificate of insurance naming Clinton County as additional insured prior to applying any treatment.

Dust Control Permit Application

  1. If you are self-applying treatment, type “Self-Applying” in this text box.

  2. Example: 100 feet S of driveway to 200 feet N of driveway

  3. Type your full name.


1900 N. 3rd St.
Clinton, IA 52732
Driving Directions

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 2957
Clinton, IA 52733

Contact Information

563-243-3739 (Fax)


Monday - Friday
7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Holiday Closures

Map & Directions