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Frequently Asked Questions

General Information


How do I pick up recovered stolen property or evidence that can be returned?


To pick up property, it is necessary to make an appointment with Evidence Support Staff by calling 563-242-9211.


How may I contact the deputy who handled my complaint?


To contact a Clinton County Deputy, please call our communications center at 563-242-9211. You will be able to leave a message with the dispatcher.


What are your hours?


The business office is open Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (excluding holidays).


What do I do with unwanted or unused prescriptions and over-the-counter drugs and medications?


The following locations have a Prescription and Over-the-Counter Drug and Medication drop boxes:

  • Camanche Police Department
    917 3rd St., Camanche, Iowa
  • DeWitt Police Department
    1505 6th Ave., DeWitt, Iowa
  • Walgreens North Pharmacy
    1905 N 2nd St., Clinton, Iowa 
  • Wagner Pharmacy
    1726 N 2nd St., Clinton, Iowa



Can I add money to a commissary account for phone calls and texting?


Please visit our Jail Information page.


How do I add money to an inmate's commissary account?


Please visit our Jail Information page.


How do I leave a message for an inmate?


Sheriff Office staff will not pass on messages to inmates. It is recommended that you write the inmate a letter.

See our Jail page for Inmate Mail.


How do I send mail to an inmate?


Please visit our Jail Information page.


What are inmate visitation options?


Please visit our Jail Information page.


Where can I find a list of current inmates?


Please visit the Clinton County Jail portal for a list of inmates.

Sheriff Sales


Can I view the property prior to the sale?


You can only view the property from the outside from a public access area. 


Do I have to pay the full amount of my bid the day I purchase?


Yes. Please visit our Sheriff Sales page for more information.


Do I have to pre-register or provide any documents such as letter of credit from the bank at the time of the sale?


At this time, pre-registration is not required and documents such as letter of credit from the bank are not required.  Information that is needed if you are the successful bidder is the name you want the Deed issued to and the tax address to send the tax statements to. Remember, cell phones are not allowed in the building, so you will have to have that information written down.


How is a Sheriff's (foreclosure) sale conducted?


Sales are held as a public auction. The notice published in the paper will be read aloud at the auction. Then the bid from the judgment holder along with any other sealed bids that were provided to the Sheriff's Office will be announced.  Interested parties will then bid against each other.  The winning bidder will then have until 1:00PM that same day to bring in a cashier’s check for the amount of his/her highest bid. Cashier's Check is to be made out to Clinton County Sheriff.

See our Sheriff Sales page for a list of current properties.


If I get a sheriff’s deed and there are people living on the property, how do I get them out? Do I go through the eviction process?


Please ask your attorney what your next steps need to be.


If I purchase a property and there is a redemption period, can I enter the property before the redemption period is up?


This is a question to direct to your attorney.


If I purchase a property and there is a redemption period, when do I get a sheriff’s deed?


If the sale notice indicates there is a redemption period that is the amount of time that the defendant has the right to redeem the real estate after the sale. If the defendant makes redemption, this must be completed at the Clinton County Clerk of Court’s Office.

If you purchase property with a redemption period, you will be issued a certificate of purchase. When the redemption period is up, and the property has not been redeemed by the defendant, you may then return the original certificate of purchase to the sheriff, and you will then receive a Sheriff’s Deed.

It is very important that you do not lose the original certificate of purchase. If you lose it, you will not receive a sheriff’s deed until you get a court order directing the sheriff to issue you a duplicate certificate of purchase. (626.96) If you fail to have a sheriff’s deed issued within 8 years after the date of issuance of the certificate of purchase, the sheriff sale will be canceled. (626.97)


If I purchase at a sheriff sale, who is responsible for back property taxes?


Taxes stay with the property. If you made the purchase, you are now responsible for the taxes.


If I purchase property at a sheriff sale, do I get a clear title?


A clear title is not guaranteed to properties sold at a sheriff sale. All sales are considered "buyers beware."  It is recommended that you contact an attorney and research the property before bidding.


When and where are sheriff (foreclosure) sales conducted?


All sales are conducted in the lobby at the Clinton County Law Center, located at:

241 7th Ave. N.,
Clinton, IA.

Sales start at 9:30 a.m. on the date of sale. The Sheriff’s Office generally only conducts sales on Fridays, barring unforeseen circumstances or postponements.

For more information check out our Sheriff Sales page.


When I get a sheriff’s deed, what do I do next?


This is a question to direct to your attorney.



How do I get a copy of an incident or accident report?


Contact the Records Division at 563-242-9211. Please visit our Reports page for more information.


How do I request a background check?


Complete criminal history checks are done through the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI). Forms can be obtained on the Iowa Department of Public Safety DCI website.

For any offenses that occurred in Clinton County, contact the Records Division.

Weapon Permits


Do you need to make an appointment to get a gun permit?


Appointments are not necessary. The business office is open Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (excluding holidays). You can submit your application and pay online by visiting the Weapons Permit page for more information.


How do I get a weapons permit?


Please visit our Weapons Permit page for more information.


I have lost my permit, or my permit was damaged beyond recognition can I obtain a duplicate of my current permit?


Yes. Apply for a duplicate at your local Sheriff's Office where you reside - fee is $25.


I'm travelling through a different state; does that state have reciprocity with Iowa?


Iowa does not maintain a list of states that honor Iowa's permit. A permit holder would have to reach out directly to the state in question to establish whether or not the said state would honor a valid permit issued by the State of Iowa.


What do you have to do to renew your gun permit?


See our Weapons Permit page.


Will the state of Iowa honor my permit if I'm not an Iowa resident and am travelling from another state?


Yes, Iowa has by statute (724.11A) "Universal Recognition" for people who are not Iowa residents of the State of Iowa but have a valid permit issued by different state.



How do I get fingerprinted for a job?


Our office provides fingerprinting services for employment needs, adoption and purchase of gun suppressors. Fingerprinting services are available during business hours. Average fingerprinting session takes between 10-15 minutes depending on wait time.

To set up an appointment, contact the Records division by calling 563-242-9211.

A photo ID with current address is required (your Driver’s License is preferred)

If you live within Clinton County, there are no fees. If you live outside of Clinton County, there is a $10.00 charge.

If you fill out the cards a head of time, make sure to use black ink.

Sex Offender Registry


Are there penalties for not complying with Iowa sex offender laws?


Yes. A first conviction for failing to comply is an aggravated misdemeanor; a second conviction for failing to comply is a class D felony. In addition, registrants convicted of failing to comply with the requirements of the IA SOR are subject to an additional 10 years of registration. If an offender is not complying with Iowa law and have moved to another jurisdiction and is not compliant in that jurisdiction, he/she may be subject to federal prosecution.


Do offenders visiting Iowa from other states have to register?


Yes. Offenders who reside in Iowa, whether moving in or visiting, have (5) days to register with the Sheriff’s Office at the county where they have established residence.


How long does an offender have to register in Iowa?


10 years or life


Is there a residency restriction for sex offenders?


Yes; however, the restriction does not apply to all registered offenders.

If an offender is required to register in the State of Iowa and has been convicted of an “aggravated offense against a minor”, they are prohibited from residing within 2000 feet of the real property comprising a school or child care facility.


What do offenders have to do if they have a change in information?


Offenders have 5 business days to report any changes at the Sheriff’s Office. Offenders are required to schedule an appointment to appear in-person.


What if I think an offender is not complying with sex offender laws?


You should contact your local law enforcement agency or you can submit a tip on the Iowa SOR website.


Who is required to register?


Persons convicted of a qualifying offense and who were under supervision for that offense on or after 07-01-1995 are subject to registration as a sex offender in the State of Iowa.



Do we require advance fees to serve civil papers?


Yes. See our Civil Page for the fee schedule.


How do I evict someone from a property I own?


This is a three-step process:

  1. Notice to Quit (this can be a 3-day or 10-day notice, served by the Sheriff's Office). The notice is not available at the Sheriff’s Office but can be found on-line or obtained from an Attorney’s office. This notice can be served by the Sheriff’s Office or served by the landlord.
  2.  Forcible Entry and Detainer (this will involve a court date).
  3. Writ of Possession (this is the actual eviction).

We are unable to provide legal advice. You will have to seek legal counsel if necessary.