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Operations Sheriff's Reserve

We are always accepting applications for Reserves. To join our recruitment list or receive notifications on openings and testing periods, sign up for e-Notifications.


The Clinton County Sheriff's Reserve Unit is a professional, volunteer organization whose members provide a valuable service to the Clinton County Sheriff's Office and the communities that it serves. Members come from all walks of life and represent a variety of occupations. They bring valuable skills and experience to the Sheriff's Office. Statewide, there are more than 100 Reserve Units with over 1200 reserve Officers. The Clinton County Reserve was established in 1982 with 13 charter members. The Unit was incorporated in 1984, joined the Iowa State Reserve Law Officers Association two years later, and is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization. The reserve has authorization for 25 positions and 2 Search and Rescue K-9s.

Since its organization, the Reserves have provided the Sheriff's Office with numerous items such as an armored shield for SERT, padded bags for striking instrument training, and the construction of the satellite office in DeWitt, IA which serves as the headquarters for the reserve unit. The Reserves have also purchased and equipped a squad car and a mobile communications van. In addition, scholarships for Law Enforcement students have been made available at the Clinton Community College. Former reserves have gone on to serve as full-time sheriff's deputies, state patrol officers, and other county agencies.


The Reserve Officers perform patrol duties with the supervision of full-time Deputies. Reserves assist with serving court papers, traffic stops, OWI, STEP programs, and domestic assault calls. The members also assist the County Jail staff, D.A.R.E. Officers, and Kid Care ID. Reserve Officers assist with investigations and the protection of crime scenes. They provide security & traffic control to area schools and communities at festivals and special events such as sporting events, parades, road races, and RAGBRAI. Reserves must perform a minimum of 8 hours of service per month.


Reserve Officers are required to complete a minimum of 150 hours of training per chapter 80D of the Code of Iowa. In addition, they receive a minimum of 40 hours of weapons training, ILEA trained and certified instructors provide these classes locally and through educational facilities such as Hawkeye Community College. Reserves also receive training through the FTO program under the supervision of full-time Deputies. Additional training is offered through Annual Reserve Law Officers Seminars and Conferences, the Red Cross, Emergency Management, and other professional organizations. Classes are based on the same training that the full-time Deputies receive at the Iowa Law Enforcement Academy (ILEA) and cover a range of topics including Crisis Intervention, Domestic Abuse, Accident Investigation, OWI, Motor Vehicle Law, and Laws of Arrest.  Attendance at monthly training meetings is required.

For more information about our program or information about becoming a Reserve, contact the Clinton County Sheriff's Office at 563-242-9211.

Law Center

241 Seventh Avenue North
Clinton, IA 52732
Driving Directions

Contact Information

563-243-7993 (Fax)


Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Open through the lunch hour
Holiday Closures

Map & Directions