Sunny · 34°
Water Supply & Wells
Clinton County Environmental Services offers the following water supply services.
Water Supply Well Permit and Enforcement Program
The Clinton County Health Department:
- Regulates the construction and installation of all private water wells
- Collects water samples from new and existing wells
Fees & Resources
- New Well Construction $150
Contractor List Iowa DNR Private Well Program Information
Well Testing, Plugging and Rehabilitation
- Private well testing for Coliform Bacteria, E-coli Bacteria, Nitrates, Total Arsenic and Manganese (no charge to well owner)
For other tests (arsenic speciation, pesticides, etc.) a fee may be charged. Tests performed for real estate transfer purposes or merchandise soliciting may be charged accordingly. Appointments are scheduled; someone over 18 years of age must be present.
- Abandoned Water Well Plugging
Through the Private Well Grants Program funded by the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services, our office receives funding to provide reimbursement to owners who plug qualified wells and/or cisterns. Please first call the Health Department to confirm that funding is still available and to confirm eligibility for reimbursement. In order for reimbursement payments to be processed, the Health Department must receive a completed Abandoned Water Well Plugging Record (DNR Form 542-1226), together with a copy of the invoice or statement for the plugging that has been marked "paid".
- Private Water Well Rehabilitation
Through the Private Well Grants Program funded by the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services, our office receives funding to provide reimbursement to owners for qualified well reconstruction costs (e.g., casing repairs, well cap repairs, pitless adapter repairs, and elimination of well pits). Nitrate testing must be completed prior to reconstruction taking place (nitrate levels must be below 45 mg/L in order to qualify for reconstruction reimbursement). Please first call the Health Department to confirm that funding is still available and to confirm eligibility for reimbursement. In order for reconstruction payments to be processed, the Health Department must receive a completed Private Water Well Reconstruction Record (DNR Form 542-1519), together with a copy of the invoice or statement for the reconstruction that has been marked "paid".
Tip: Always call our office to see if we have money left first! 563-659-8148 or email
Satellite Offices
226 11th St.
DeWitt, IA 52742
Driving Directions
Contact Information
563-659-8148 | Environmental Services
563-242-7165 | Public Health/MercyOne Genesis VNA Hospice
563-659-2616 | Environmental Services (Fax)
563-242-7197 | Public Health/MercyOne Genesis VNA Hospice (Fax)
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Closed 12:30-1:30 for lunch
Holiday Closures