Sunny · 84°
The Admin Building is undergoing remodeling. The main entrance will be closed. Please enter through the North door for all business.


Stay current with news from Clinton County, Iowa!

State Individual Assistance for storm damage from 05-21-24

posted 5/30/24 · Emergency Management Gov. Reynolds issues disaster proclamation including the Iowa Individual Assistance Grant Program and Iowa Disaster Case Advocacy program

Updated Public Notice - Proposed FY2025 Budget

posted 4/9/24 · Board of Supervisors

FSA/SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loans Available to Iowa Small Businesses and Farmers

posted 4/5/24 · Emergency Management Farmers and Small Businesses are now eligible to apply for loans since Clinton County has been declared a drought disaster county.

FY2025 Proposed Tax Levy

posted 3/13/24 · Auditor

Comparison of FY23 to FY24 Tax Levy Rates

posted 9/12/23 · Board of Supervisors Comparison of FY23 to FY24 Tax Levy Rates as discussed during the 9/11/23 Board of Supervisors Meeting.

More Headlines

Three New Deputies Hired

posted 6/23/22 · Sheriff

Deputy Sheriff Hired

posted 4/20/22 · Sheriff

Reserve Deputy Sworn In

posted 3/2/22 · Sheriff