Notice of Public Hearing - Opioid Settlement Fund Use

Two public hearings will be conducted by the Clinton County Board of Supervisors at two different times and locations as noted in this public notice.
Said hearing is to receive public input on a proposed use of funds awarded to the County as a result of its participation in lawsuits against various opioid manufacturers and distributors. Said funds are to be used to fight opioid addiction and address other damages caused by opioid addiction.
The first public hearing is set for September 19, 2023, at 5 p.m. in meeting room B at the Clinton County Administration Building, 1900 N. Third St., Clinton, Iowa. The public may also join the Zoom meeting by phone by dialing 1-253-215-8782 and entering the access code 9341856401. The public may also join through the internet by following this web address: Enter meeting Code: 9341856401 and then password clinton23.
The second public hearing is set for September 26, 2023, at 5 p.m. in the large conference room at the Clinton County Satellite Office, 226 11th St., DeWitt, Iowa. The public may also join the Zoom meeting by phone by dialing 1-253-215-8782 and entering the access code 5274202329. The public may also join through the internet by following this web address: Enter meeting Code: 5274202329 and then password clinton23.
At the hearing, anyone may address the Board on the stated matter of the public hearing. Written comments need to be directed to the Board of Supervisors, PO Box 2957, Clinton, IA; 52733-2957, or emailed to and must be received before the public hearing.
For the Clinton County Board of Supervisors,
Eric Van Lancker
Clinton County Auditor