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Ordinance Amendment

Understand the process for the rezoning of property in Clinton County, Iowa.

The unincorporated area of Clinton County is divided into several zoning districts.  Each district has various permitted uses and special exception uses.  If a specific use is not permitted in a particular zoning district, it may be possible to change the zoning of the property to a district that would allow the use.  Rezoning applications are submitted to the Planning and Zoning office.  A Public Hearing is then held by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Commission makes a recommendation whether to approve or deny the application to the Board of Supervisors.  The Board of Supervisors also will hold a Public Hearing and make the final decision whether to approve or deny the application.

Application for Zoning Amendment

When a rezoning application applies only to specific property, the Commission considers the following factors when making its recommendation to the Board of Supervisors.

  1. Whether or not the current district classification of the property to be rezoned is valid and the suitability of the subject property for the uses to which it has been restricted under the existing zoning classification.
  2. Whether there is a need for additional land zoned for the purpose requested.
  3. The character and zoning of nearby property.
  4. Master Plan future land use designations.
  5. The extent to which the proposed use will detrimentally or positively affect nearby property.
  6. The length of time the subject property has remained vacant as zoned.
  7. Recommendations of the County's professional staff.
  8. The availability and adequacy of required public and community facilities, utilities, and services to serve the proposed use.  These may include but are not limited to sanitary and storm sewers, water, electrical service, police and fire protection, schools, parks and recreation facilities, roads, libraries, solid waste collection and disposal, and others, as applicable.
  9. The extent to which the proposed use would adversely affect the capacity or safety of that portion of the street network influenced by the use, or present parking problems in the vicinity of the property.
  10. The environmental impacts that the proposed use will generate including, but not limited to, excessive storm water runoff, water pollution, air pollution, noise pollution, excessive nighttime lighting, or other environmental harm.
  11. The ability of the applicant to satisfy any requirements applicable to the specific use imposed pursuant to these Regulations and other applicable County ordinances.

Ordinance Text Amendments

When a proposed amendment would result in a change in the text of the Zoning Ordinance, the Commission is to consider the following criteria when making its' recommendation.

  1. Whether such a change is consistent with the intent and the purpose of the ordinance and the goals and policies of the Master Plan;
  2. Whether the change is the result of an error or omission in the original text;
  3. The areas that are most likely to be directly affected by such change and the likely effects; and
  4. The changes in physical, social or economic conditions or development practices that justify the proposed change.

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DeWitt, IA 52742
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