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Subdivision is the process by which land is converted into building lots or dividing a tract of land into smaller parcels. Subdivision regulation is the process by which local governments establish and enforce standards so that land division occurs in a manner that protects public health, safety and welfare.

The County regulates subdivisions for several reasons. One is to ensure that when a tract of land is divided, it is done accurately and with permanent records. It is a tool to help carry out the policies and provisions of a comprehensive plan.  Subdivision regulations also serve to provide control over the design and construction of streets, water systems, sewer systems and other improvements necessary to turn land into developable sites. Because these improvements are permanent, have a long-term effect on the community, are costly to repair or replace, and often become the property and responsibility of government, it is important to establish standards for them. It is also important to require that the improvements be installed so that the local governments do not have to build them later, and at greater cost, than if installed at the time the land was developed.

The Subdivision Regulations apply to any division of land into two or more parts. Certain regulations apply to the division of a single lot. A subdivision plat is required in Clinton County when an original lot, tract or parcel of land is divided into 3 or more lots for the purpose of immediate or future sale or transfer for development purposes. Whenever considering dividing land or selling a lot or lots, check with the Clinton County Zoning office for a complete list of requirements.

Application for Subdivision Approval    Subdivision Ordinance

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DeWitt, IA 52742
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